A clean and well-maintained aquarium is not only a feast for the eyes, but also a healthy home for its inhabitants. Regular cleaning of the aquarium is therefore crucial to ensure optimal water quality and the well-being of the triops and fish. In this blog post, we will look at the various aspects of aquarium cleaning and provide valuable tips and tricks for effective cleaning and maintenance of the aquarium. From removing deposits and debris to properly cleaning the filtration system, you will learn how to keep the aquarium sparkling clean and create a healthy environment for your underwater world.

Cleaning the aquarium: What you should know before cleaning
Did you know that there are even certain species of fish and snails that can make a valuable contribution to cleaning the aquarium? When it comes to cleaning aquariums, the general rule is: Less is more! An aquarium represents a unique biotope and forms the habitat for a variety of fish and plants. A natural balance prevails in this living ecosystem. For this reason, it is advisable to clean the aquarium completely only when both the water and the glass panes are heavily soiled.
This avoids interfering unnecessarily with the existing habitat of the fish and plants. Ideally, a combination of an efficient filter system, balanced planting and the right composition of the fish population will ensure that a complete cleaning of the aquarium, where the fish have to be removed from the water, becomes unnecessary.
Cleaning the aquarium: 5 tips for cleaning the tank
In order to avoid extensive cleaning of the aquarium and not to disturb the natural balance of the biotope, simple preventive measures can already achieve a lot. Below you will find five helpful tips:
1. Regular water changes
Regular water changes are of great importance, especially in large aquariums with a large number of fish and plants. It is advisable to carry out water changes at regular intervals. As a guideline, water changes should be carried out about every fortnight. It is important that a maximum of ten to 30 percent of the water in the aquarium is siphoned off and replaced with fresh water in order to maintain the biological balance.
It should be noted that the water added after siphoning must first be appropriately treated to ensure that no chlorine residues from the tap enter the aquarium. There are various water treatment agents that turn tap water into aquarium water suitable for fish and plants. It is advisable to seek advice from a specialist shop in order to select the appropriate products.
2. The correct cleaning of the filter
The filter is an indispensable part of every aquarium and already takes over a large part of the cleaning, as long as it is sufficiently dimensioned. It is important to note that when buying a filter you should not automatically go for the cheapest product, but look for quality. As a beginner, it is advisable to seek professional advice in order to choose the right filter for your aquarium. The choice of the right filter depends on the size and use of the aquarium. The filter should neither be oversized nor undersized to ensure optimal cleaning performance.
Nevertheless, it is important to clean the filter from time to time. However, cleaning should be done in stages to maintain the natural balance in the filter. The filter contains valuable bacteria that are crucial for the ecological balance in the aquarium and should therefore not be completely removed. Therefore, do not use too hot water or cleaning agents to spare these bacteria. Rinsing out coarse dirt particles is often perfectly sufficient.
3. Remove coatings
It is important that the aquarium remains moist and does not dry during the cleaning process. The panes should remain damp to facilitate the removal of the deposits. If the cleaning takes longer, the aquarium walls should be regularly moistened with water in between. Stubborn algae deposits and lime scale can be easily removed with a metal sponge from the household. However, make sure you only scrub gently! Make sure that there are no dirt particles or grains of sand between the sponge and the glass, as this could lead to scratches.
Then rinse the aquarium briefly to remove any debris. You can remove softer deposits with a softer sponge. The same precautions apply here as well: The glass panes should always be damp and coarse particles should be avoided. Do not use strong pressure, but only gentle scrubbing. After cleaning, rinse the aquarium thoroughly to remove all residues.
4. Clean silicone beads
To clean the aquarium silicone thoroughly, a treatment with household chlorine bleach may be necessary. Note, however, that when handling cleaning agents, the safety measures for the respective product must be observed. It is recommended to wear gloves when working to avoid direct skin contact. It is advisable to carry out the treatment outside or in a well-ventilated area and ensure that no chlorine cleaner drips onto the floor or comes into contact with clothing. To treat the silicone, place the aquarium with the opening to the side.
Place rolled up kitchen paper, previously soaked in chlorine bleach, on the bottom two silicone seams. The kitchen paper should be lightly pressed into the corners to ensure direct contact with the silicone. Leave the treatment for about a day. When the paper is removed, the algae deposits should be bleached. Then turn the aquarium 180° so that the other two silicone beads are on the underside and repeat the same procedure. After the treatment, the aquarium should be rinsed thoroughly to remove the last remnants of the chlorine cleaner.
5. Remove larger dirt spots
When cleaning the aquarium floor, larger areas of dirt such as accumulated food, excrement or plant remains can be particularly annoying. To remove these thoroughly, a targeted approach is required. Start by placing the hose to suck up the dirt at the corresponding spot and wait briefly until the dirt particles are removed by the suction effect. Be careful to guide the hose gently so as not to injure plants or animals. If you notice that the dirt particles are not completely sucked out, you can carefully help with your hand or a suitable tool. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly afterwards to remove possible impurities and germs.
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