Deadly for dogs: suspected blue-green algae in the Hennesee near Meschede

For dogs, however, even the smallest concentrations of the bacteria are dangerous. Even with veterinary [...]

Feeding Triops on holiday: How to go on holiday without worries

Summertime is holiday time and as a Triops breeder and aquarist you want your Triops [...]

That’s why sharks are important for the ecosystem

A research group has emphasised the crucial ecological importance of sharks in the Anthropocene – [...]

Aquaristics in Spain: A journey through Spanish underwater worlds

Aquaristics is a fascinating hobby that is attracting more and more people around the world [...]

Palaeontology: Could the T. rex have weighed 15 tonnes?

The largest T. rex found may not be the largest that ever existed. ‘Some isolated [...]

Palaeontology: Discovery in the USA – did dinosaurs live underground?

From small gliders to large herbivores – dinosaurs had extremely different lifestyles. However, these fascinating [...]

Setting up an aquarium properly: A guide for beginners

Setting up a new aquarium is one of the most important steps in creating a [...]

Luca: First ancestor of all living beings could have existed 4.2 billion years ago

Today’s living creatures have many things in common, including the use of the same genetic [...]

Aquaristics in France: A journey through the fascinating world of underwater landscapes

Aquaristics, the art and science of maintaining aquariums, is becoming increasingly popular in France. With [...]

Lokiceratops rangiformis: Fossils show the diversity of the dinosaur world

A skull almost two metres long with four impressive horns: the newly described dinosaur Lokiceratops [...]

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